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Nationaal (W)EEE Register

The National (W)EEE Register (NWR) has been appointed by the government to set up and manage a register as described in Article 18 of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulation (WEEE Regulation or Regeling AEEA). NWR registers and reports data from:

  • producers and importers of EEE (via Stichting OPEN),
  • recyclers of WEEE in the Netherlands,
  • exporters of WEEE for recycling abroad
  • exporters of EEE for reuse abroad.

The data are registered to comply to Directive No. 2012/19/EU and verification of these data is possible within a reasonable period of time by those charged with supervising compliance. The register is financed by the producers of EEE. The client of the register is the government.

EEE:   Electrical and Electronic Equipment
WEEE: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
NWR:  Stichting National (W)EEE Register




Task of the National (W)EEE Register

NWR reports annually before July 1 to the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management about the previous calendar year, at least:

  • the total amount of electrical and electronic equipment paced on the market in the Netherlands;
  • the total amount of electrical and electronic equipment recycled, and
  • the results related to the achievement of the recovery targets as referred to in Annex V of Directive No 2012/19/EU.

Obligation to register export for reuse

Exporters of EEE for reuse are obliged to register and report from 2021. NWR actively contributes to publicizing this obligation. Exporters for reuse can be approached. The Inspectorate Human Environment and Transport (ILenT) also actively monitors compliance with the rules.

Every exporter of EEE for reuse is required by law to report the exported weight to the register before 1 May each year for the entire previous year. If you are already registered as a producer/importer or recycler, no action is needed. You will then be asked each year to supplement your report with the weight of your export for reuse.


The website and portal are renewed. Therefore it is for the moment only possible to report for 2022. Data that you have submitted before (2021 and earlier) will be visible soon. You will receive a message if this is possible. If something went wrong or you want to urgently change data, please send us an email.


The website and portal are renewed. Therefore it is for the moment only possible to report for 2021 if you have received an e-mail from us with the link to the reporting form. We will make sure that everyone who has to report for 2021 will receive this invitation as soon as possible and before 15 April 2023.

If you want to cancel your registration, for instance because none of your activities are obliged to register, please contact us by email. Enclose clear arguments to support your request Data that are reported remain content of the register.

Please read the instructions first. If this still gives questions or pain points, contact us by email. Contact by telephone is also an option.

Consult the Handreiking reikwijdte (documents page, in dutch) for this. This is a tool to determine which devices qualify for ‘electrical and electronic equipment’ as referred to in Article 1.f in the WEEE Directive. Some specific devices are covered in Chapter 3 of the European Frequently Asked Questions WEEE Directive.
From August 15, 2018, the changes with regard to the scope of the Regulation AEEA are implemented. Additional products have come under the scope of the Regulation.

Previously, products that do not depend on electricity for their primary function were out of scope of the Regulation AEEA. As of August 15, 2018, all products with an electrical function are in scope, unless the product falls under an exception in the Regulation AEEA.

A producer or importer of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) must join the Organization for Producer Responsibility for E-waste Netherlands (Stichting OPEN).

Registration with Stichting OPEN implies that the registration at the National (W)EEE Register (NWR) on behalf of this producer is also done by the OPEN.


A foreign producer or importer can authorize a legal entity in the Netherlands to be an authorized representative in accordance with Article 21 of the Regeling AEEA (WEEE Regulation) to fulfill the obligations arising from the regulation on its behalf. This means: carrying out the registration, indicating how he meets his collection obligation and carrying out the annual reporting. From that moment on, the authorized representative is responsible for fulfilling the producer’s obligations. The producer or importer must join Stichting OPEN.

If you are a recycler of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), you have the following obligations:
– ensure proper treatment of all separately collected WEEE according to the best available techniques. Proper treatment means:
* compliance with seperation requirements for facilities that collect/recycle (Annex VII of the WEEE Directive)
* achieve recovery targets (Annex V of the WEEE Directive).
* recycle according to the Cenelec standard processing
– report each year before 1 May to the National (W)EEE Register the weight of WEEE recycled by you in the previous calendar year and the targets achieved for (material) reuse and recovery.


From August 15, 2018, the changes with regard to the scope of the Regeling AEEA (WEEE Regulation) are implemented. Additional products are now in scope.
Previously, products that do not depend on electricity for their primary function were out of scope of the Regulation. As of August 15, 2018, all products with an electrical function are in scope, unless the product falls under an exception in the Regulation.

The register (NWR) does not answer questions referring to the content of the legislation, other than this FAQ. The government has a specialised helpdesk for these questions: Helpdesk Afvalbeheer.